Friday, March 2, 2012

Meet Our Members

As anyone would agree, a business organization can have as many bells and whistles as it likes but without members, all those extras mean nothing. The members of any organization are the heart and soul and along with a strong leader, they determine the path and success of an organization.

I am happy to say that The Networking Exchange has both the caliber of members and the leadership it needs to be one of the most successful networking organizations around. Those two ingredients are what has led to the tremendous growth to date and what will help elevate this organization to the next level.

Because the members are so important, I believe that they should be recognized not only for what services or products they sell but who they truly are. We have some remarkable individuals in our midst and I think it's important to learn a little about them.

Did you know for instance that one of our member served time in the military on a submarine? Or did you know one of our members has publicly spoken and held a personal development session in front of 5000 members?

It's those types of things that shape who we are and how we interact with the world around us and is important to how we all handle business today. Because of that, Fridays will be Meet the Members day. Each week we'll showcase a member and tell a little about them and include some of those little known facts. So invite everyone you know to follow us as we learn more about the people we see, refer and do business with every week!

Don't forget - The Business Exchange Expo for success is coming in April and one of the great features is Restaurant Row where area food vendors will be sharing samples of their food and beverages. Stay tuned on Tuesdays as we highlight their establishments with "TNE -Fabulous Fare".

If you you are interested in learning more about TNE membership, the Expo or any of the programs, send an email to

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