Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Year

Happy Leap Day.

With the The Networking Exchange's addition of Talk Exchange Radio which will be launching March 6th and will be broadcasting live from the Expo , things are really starting to "hop"at TNE.
Companies such as MANTA , COMCAST, The PHILADELPHIA BUSINESS JOURNAL and more have all seen the extreme value of the EXPO and have "leapt" on board to be a part of this awesome event. If you haven't made the "jump" to sign up and be a part of the Expo , what a better day to do so than today? Like February 29th certain things come only every so often and end quickly. Such is the opportunity to be a part of the Expo at Early bird pricing. There are only a few more days to get a booth for $499 so take the "LEAP" and sign up today ! Questions?

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Networking Exchange Expo For Success 2012

Spring is just around the corner. We're starting to see sprouts of daffodils and shoots of tulips appear. The days are getting longer and before you know it the Easter Eggs will all have been found and the Matzos will have been eaten. Such are the joys of Spring.

It's a time of revival, when things revive after the long cold winter and new life begins. This year new life is being found for businesses in the form of the The Networking Exchange Expo for Success 2012. The Expo which is being hosted by the increasingly popular "The Networking Exchange" is just what businesses need to revitalize stale sales and help once again make their business grow in full bloom for 2012. With over 450- vendors- 30 restaurants and an unprecedented central Networking Area, it's the place to be if you're in business this Spring.

Being a part of the Expo which will be held on April 24 & April 25 allows businesses to showcase their products and services for as little as $499 for the two days making this the most affordable trade show around. Come join us and help to grow your business and weed out the competition as we celebrate the coming of the warm weather and a better business outlook. For more information call 888-894-3555 or email